We are a member of your team
We have a team of teams approach to ensure your success.
The Partner Success team supports you from Day One and will work with you to hit every milestone. They are your day-to-day contact and will champion your global business as it grows.
The Technical Support team is made up of engineers and developers strategically located in various regions around the world to build you the most up-to-date e-commerce store and keep it running smoothly while you sleep.
Our Marketing team's job is to build the brand and capture the hearts, minds, and wallets of customers in each market.
A model and system built through experience
Lingble started as an e-retailer and after 10 years of global EC experience, it has refined the functionality. Lingble's system is a form of headless commerce that can be used not only with Lingble's standard front-end system, but can also be linked to an existing e-commerce store to develop global e-commerce, or to an existing back-office system to automate operations. In addition, the system can be connected to existing back-office systems to automate operations.
In countries where Lingble already has distributors, the system can be flexible, for example, using local inventory for delivery and recording sales locally.
A model and system built through experience
Lingble started as an e-retailer and after 10 years of global EC experience, it has refined the functionality. Lingble's system is a form of headless commerce that can be used not only with Lingble's standard front-end system, but can also be linked to an existing e-commerce store to develop global e-commerce, or to an existing back-office system to automate operations. In addition, the system can be connected to existing back-office systems to automate operations.
In countries where Lingble already has distributors, the system can be flexible, for example, using local inventory for delivery and recording sales locally.
We pride ourselves for achieving a high level of governance
One of the key success factors for global e-commerce is compliance with local laws. Lingble provides legal templates and a model which aims to adhere to international standards. Lingble can also liaise and reach out to law firms in its network when requested. Lingble supports security levels, personal data protection, consumer protection, as well as website aids for people with disabilities.
Lingble also offers its partners compensation for the frequent credit card frauds that occur abroad.